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I suddenly started getting this error. v
And I can no longer link files into my app using the "file new file link method". The finish button is disabled and the dialog box says file name is empty, even though it is not.
How can I fix / debug this problem?
Just to make sure I understand the problem if you go to:
File -> New -> New File, and then selecting advanced and "link to the file in the file system"
You hit a problem that it won't let you continue.
What happens if you right click on your project and select "Like Files to Project..."? Does that give you the same error?
By the way, linked files don't work either. I dont get an error, but the .project file does not get updated and the file does not show up under the project
I found the offending project by closing all my projects and opening them one at a time until the error message occured. Apparently its .cdtbuild file was corrupted.
With the offending project closed I am then able to add links to other projects in my work space!
Thanks for letting us know what the issue was. Was the project under source control? Curious what might have caused the corruption.
I'm at a customer right now that is experiencing this exact same issue. If I create a new workspace I can keep working but as soon as I shut down the debugger and exit CCS things get corrupted again.
The OS is Windows 7 64-bit Professional. The CCS version is The device is TMS320F28035 (running the FlashingLeds demo).
I'm running Windows 7-64 bit Home Premium under VMWare Fusion with CCS on my MBP and am not experience this issue. The customer's Vista (32-bit) machine is also not having any issues.
Can we get this escalated to determine the root cause?
Thank you,
If the project has gotten corrupted then creating a new workspace and importing the same project into it likely won't help. For the ControlSuite examples when you import them the instructions are to leave them in their original location so importing that project into another workspace will mean the problem will be in the new workspace as well as it is still physically the same project.
One option would be to install a second copy of control suite and try importing the project again from that installation.
I can't see the problem myself using Win7 64 and the same example. Could they export the project to an archive and attach it to the thread? I could try importing it and see if I can see the problem using their project.
It would also be helpful if they could send the Eclipse error log. That can be exported by opening the Error Log View.
I had some time to do some testing on the customer's configuration. If the debugger is connected to the target and you click on the "Terminate All" icon in the tool bar it causes Java to crash. If you then proceed to exit out of CCS then restart it things are corrupted and it will not load the last workspace and/or project correctly. If I exit CCS, relaunch, and create a new workspace I can re-import the last active project without issue.
To workaround this issue and avoid the Java crash we are able to just exit CCS (without clicking on "Terminate All") directly. We can relaunch CCS without issue. I'm not sure what pieces of CCS are tied to Java but something is causing Java to crash when "Terminate All" is selected in the debugger.
I will try to send you the CCS log file tomorrow.
Ok so they have a JVM (Java) crash and then after than the project is not usable in the workspace and they have to import into a different one.
We should try to get the JVM error logs as well. They are a bit more tricky to find. JVM error logs are generated somewhere inside '<INSTALL DIR>\ccsv4' folder. It is recommended to do a recursive search inside that directory for *.log files. JVM error logs will look something like 'hs_err_pid<some number>.log' (for example: hs_err_pid4044.log) ). Hopefully we can figure out what is causing the crash.
I am suddenly seeing this problem as well.
Here are my error and JVM log files. Nasty.
I tried narrowing the source of the problem by deleting files and subsequently subfolders and then restoring them from subversion until the problem went away, but I was unsuccessful in this. I was finally able to fix the problem by deleting the entire project directory and restoring it, but I never found out what the real cause was. Perhaps a missing file????
I am seeing the same behavior --- using Terminate All results in the offending error next time CCS is started.
I have WinXP SP3, CCS, SD XDS510 debugger. To repair, I deleted the offending project, re-started CCS, and imported the same project.