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CCS/TLC5510A: CCS 3.3 project imported to CCS 6.3 compiles but does not run correctly.

Part Number: TLC5510A

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I'm in the process of converting a project for the c510a DSP from CCS 3.3 to 6.2. If managed to get past the initial round of issues and the project will compile under CCS 6.2. When I step through the converted project using JTAG however, it works initially then wanders off into un initialised memory and stops responding to JTAG. I think it's something to do with memory mapping though I'm not sure.

Anyone pointers from who's experienced similar issues would be greatly appreciated. 


  • Ben,

    Moving from CCSv3.3 to CCSv6 or later is not going to be a trivial task.

    Does your project use DSP/BIOS?

    If you take the .out file generated by CCSv3.3 and load it in CCSv6.2 does that run correctly? If it does not then it could be a debugger configuration issue, maybe in the GEL files.

  • Ben - I believe CCSv3.3 comes with an older version of the compiler than what comes with v6. In my CCSv3.3 installation, I see that the C55x compiler is version 4.2.3 while I believe v6 comes with 4.4.1. You may want to try using the same version of the compiler that you used in 3.3 just to rule out any impact of the difference in versions

    Note that you can point your CCSv6 installation to use the compiler that comes with CCSv3.3:



  • Hi John,

    Thanks for replying to my question. I have tried using the .out file generated in CCSv3.3 and it does work as expected. Any other ideas?

    Oh and yes, it does use dsp/bios.



  • Hi Ki,

    Thanks for replying. I've tried rolling back the compiler to version 3.3.2 and version 4.1.2. The program won't link correctly with either of these compiler versions. I get the error:

    "program.cmd: error: system error, can't open file '/.obj' for input: No suchfile or directory"

    Quite strange. Any ideas?
  • I noticed that I am using a more recent version of CCSv3.3. The original release came with 3.2.2, which is a major version difference. I would be good to use that version of the compiler.

    As for your error, can you provide the full build output in the build console? Also provide the linker command file that generated the error

  • Hello,
    I haven’t heard back from you, hence this issue is being closed. If you wish to continue the discussion, please post a reply with an update below (or create a new thread).

  • Hi there,

    FYI I solved the problem in the end. The newer version of the compiler seemed to use more stack space when using the LOG_printf function. This caused the main stack to spill into the sys stack, which corrupted a return address. I manually inserted a line into the .tcf file to increase the stack size a little and all is working.

    Thanks for your help.