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Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Failure to connect to Launchpad


The connection to the launchpad fails when running the project host_test

The error msg below is shown.

Insatllation is CCS v9 installed on WIn 7.

The launchpad used to work fine on this laptop.

The launcpad works fine when connected to another PC with CCS 9 installed on Win 10

I have

  1. reinstalled the XDS110 driver/s
  2. uninstalled and reinstalled CCS v9

The same error has recurred after re-installation.

Please advise any further options to resolve.



  • Les,

    Given the launchpad used to work previously on this laptop (I assume with prior versions of CCS), I suspect you may be running into the issue I mention on this e2e thread

    e2e post said:

    But before doing that, I would like to cover one important detail that I learned today from the development team that did the newer XDS110 emulation package software (emupack). 

    The emupack that ships with CCSv9.0.x versions ( has some jitter on the clock edges when running at 2.5MHz (the maximum speed of this version(, which may cause very random communication errors with the target. Although errors are not regularly seen with the compact Launchpads, the longer cconnections of your setup (or even the use of isolation adapters, for example) can contribute to this problem. 

    The remedy for this is to lower the TCK speed to 1.25MHz. This will reduce the jitter and should warrant a reliable connection. 

    This issue will be fixed in the next release of the emupack, to be available publicly soon. 

    Please let me know if the workaround helps you.



  • Thank you for the info provided Rafael

    The launchpad previously worked on the CCS v9 installation.

    Please advise where/how to change the TCK setting to 1.25 MHz

    some more info...

    it appears the XDC tool version has been superseded -  v3.51.2.21 required for the project. v3.55.xx loaded

    Can the XDC version be changed by the end-user to a specific version?

    I have started a new workspace folder and will see if I import project/s again-

    In the new workspace I get the following error msg





  • Les,

    The JTAG TCLK setting is present in the Target Configuration File (.ccxml). To change it, check the section Advanced target configuration options of the Debug User's Guide at:  

    The XDC Tools can be changed, but you will need to manually download the desired version (recommended as variations in these versions are known to cause build issues), add it to your CCS and then set your project to use it. Details are shown in the section Changing SYSBIOS/XDCtools and Product Versions of the Projects and Build User's Guide at: 

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Rafael

    Thanks for the help

    I tried the firmware reload options as suggested but I could not get it working.- tried 2 different Launcpad CC2649R2 with same error in both cases

    I reloaded CCS, tried the older version  of the emulation package and then the latest v8.1.0.00012

    Both gave similar errors.

    I got it going eventually for a short while  (from the XDS config page as suggested) and then the XDS110 disconnected again with the following msg

    The system appers to be very inconsistent all of a sudden??

    Ithink after the last prompted CCS update??



  • Hi Rafael

    debugger still does not work

    CCS prompted for a emulation package upgrade to v (wasv8.1.0.00012)

    Launchpad reported the same error after loading emulation package and running program by clicking 'debug'

    restarted CCS  - launchpad LED is green and XDS110 can be seen in windows device manager.

    When CCS loads debug probe the same message as previously displays. It promted for an XDS firmware upgrade but displayed msg - cannot connect when upgrade was attempted.

    I tried to load firmware using XDSDFU utility -  the firmware.bin file only has a date stamp of  03/06/2019 (3 June 2019)

    Is there another way to upgrade the XDS110 to v8.2.0.0004 emulation package?



  • Les,

    Please apologize for the delay; I couldn't reproduce the scenario here on my environment, but I recalled the thread below, which does not help much given this error is quite elusive and without a clear root cause. 

    I tested both CCSv9.0.1 (with emupack and CCSv9.1.0 (with emupack but the problem did not show itself. 

    One important aspect when updating the firmware is that, due to a bug on the Dialog box, it stays open even after you click ont he "Update" button. If you click a second time, the probe gets disconnected and the firmware update process fails. 

    Re-launching the debugger or fully power cycling the board (disconnect/re-connect teh USB cable) seems to restore the previous condition with the updated firmware. 

    The method you are using in your last post (via the xdsdfu utility) is the safest one. 

    This behaviour will be fixed in a future release of our tools. 



  • Thank you for the update Rafael

    I managed to reload the firmware by downloading the bootloader as per 'recovering a bricked Launchpad' information.

    For the moment all is working fine.

