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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Dear TI engineers,
I imported the example of cla_ex1_background_task project to ccs9.0.1 and compile successfully. But I could not connect ccs to LAUNCHXL-F280049C. So,I changed .ccxml file as follow picture.
The connection between them could be ok. But compilation failed. It shown that the ram cmd conflict with cla cmd. The problem could be seen below.
Looking forward to your reply, and best wishes to you.
Looking at the error message I would say that you have more than one linker command file active in your project that are defining the same memory. By default when you import that project it has 3 linker command files in it:
The first and third files are setup so that the first one is used when you build the "CPU1_RAM" configuration of the project and the 3rd one gets used when you build the "CPU1_FLASH" configuration of the project.
Here when I have the RAM configuration active you can see that he flash .cmd file is excluded from the build (has a line through the icon).
Similarly when the FLASH configuration is active the ram .cmd file is excluded.
Thus in your case I think that either one of these files has been changed to not be excluded from the build or another linker command file has been added to the project which also defines the same memory regions. Can you send me a screen shot of your project explorer window in CCS.