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CCS: Trouble reading memory block

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

i am trying to read a text file and write the data in another text file using TM4C123. But I am getting this error

CORTEX_M4_0: Trouble Reading Memory Block at 0x61626280 on Page 0 of Length 0x4: Debug Port error occurred.
CORTEX_M4_0: Trouble Reading Memory Block at 0xbd982000 on Page 0 of Length 0x4: Debug Port error occurred.

I don't know how to solve this error.

  • Hello Sheetal,

    Do you have your TM4C123 connected to your PC via a USB hub? If so, is it a powered hub? There have been similar issues reported for customer who have the device plugged to the PC via a non-powered USB hub. Switching to a powered hub or a direct connection to the PC has helped in that case.

    Other common cause is that the the required peripherals have not been enabled when the memory access is attempted. Please make sure they are enabled. Often times the issue occurs because the application did not yet get to the part of the code that enables the peripherals when memory access to specific locations are attempted.



  • Thank you.

    Increasing the stack size resolved my issue. I have increased the stack size to 9200 and heap size to 3072. So the code is working.

    But I doubt increasing stack value to large value will not overwrite anything.