Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hello. I am still trying to use CCS7.
Same question as this:
Except I would not simply say "Very strange" as the original poster said... I would say this is crap. It happens ALL THE TIME, as in DAILY.
And when I launch CCS, I see little message flashing that it is downloading stuff form .... ?
So in other words, I am the mercy that TI hasn't injected some bug that prevents me from getting it to run
Right now, my "Workspace" window shows my project with a "folder" icon that is open. AND NOT A SINGLE THING LISTED IN IT.
And I did launch with the -clean argument. It did nothing.
C:\Users\scott>cd C:\ti\ccsv7\eclipse C:\ti\ccsv7\eclipse>ccstudio.exe -clean
Can we fix CCS so that it's actually a reliable tool???