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Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
I am trying to generate code coverage report for my unit testing with SDK 03_04. The out file was generated by compiling with --gen_profile_info. It was executed on the hardware to generate pprofout.pdat.
pprofout.prf was then generated and the software is again compiled with --use_profile_info=pprofout.prf --codecov to generate the code coverage csv files.
While recompiling with --use_profile_info=pprofout.prf --codecov, I get " Input profile data inconsistent. Disabling further profiling for this function" error. I also checked the csv files and I see that certain lines of code are executed more number of times than what I expect based on the test cases.
Which CPU core does this program run on?
Thanks and regards,
You may have the problem discussed in this forum thread and this related bug entry. The workaround in that thread is to edit the .prf file and fix any incorrect directory paths.
Please let me know if this suggestion resolves the problem.
Thanks and regards,
No. The issue I have reported is different. The prf file has all the files linked properly. When I recompile with --use_profile_info=pprofout.prf --codecov, the ERROR "Input profile data inconsistent. Disabling further profiling for this function" is generated for certain functions.
Vinoth Kumar Elangovan1 said:On the DSS
This means you are running on the C674x CPU core. What version of the C6000 compiler (not CCS) is being used?
Thanks and regards,
I use C6000 8.3.3 to compile the software and generate *.xe674 file.
I load this to the C674x CPU core via Code Composer Studio (Version: to execute and produce the pprofout.pdat
Vinoth Kumar Elangovan1 said:I use C6000 8.3.3 to compile the software
That is not the latest version. Please upgrade to the latest version, which is presently version 8.3.8. I cannot guarantee this upgrade will fix the problem. But it is easy to try. Please see the article Compiler Installation and Selection.
Thanks and regards,
Hello George,
Thank you for the response. The error I reported previously appeared for all the functions in the source code.
Now I upgraded my compiler version to C6000 8.3.8, re-compiled the software and tested again. Errors for most of my functions have disappeared.
However, two functions had the error "Profile data inconsistent due to a compiler transformation. Disabling further profiling for this function". I have disabled the compiler optimization flag as well, but still have no idea why I have this issue.
I'm afraid this will have impact on the code coverage %. Is there anyway to resolve this?
I apologize for the delay.
I think I can reproduce the problem if I get two things from you.
The first one is the .pdat file created when you run the instrumented executable file. Please put it in a zip file and attach it to your next post.
The second one ... I presume your code is organized as a CCS project. Please zip up the project by following the directions in the article Sharing projects, then attach that zip file to your next post.
Thanks and regards,
Hello George,
I do the following steps whenever this error occurs. Disconnect the sensor from the power supply. Create a new workspace and target in CCS and rerun the testcases and the issue doesn't happen. However, I do not know which of these steps solves the issue. My project is not a CCS project, it is a makefile project.