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wearable sensors-continuous monitoring of vital biomedical parameters

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1293EVM, EK-TM4C123GXL, LMT70EVM

Good morning,


I am currently an undergraduate student at the Democritus University of Thrace in Greece performing my dissertation thesis in the field of biomedicine. For this purpose, my colleagues and I, would like to develop a system of wearable sensors that will enable the continuous monitoring of vital biomedical parameters such as the body temperature, the blood pressure, the saturation of oxygen in blood, the hearth rhythm, as well as the electrocardiogram.

Based on past projects, I have in my disposal the products, but I do not know for sure if this is the appropriate  for the conduction of the system as described above. To a greater level of detail, I have already the following products:

  • ADS1293EVM
  • TIVATM C SERIES TM4C123G LaunchPad Evaluation Kit EK-TM4C123GXL
  • LMT70EVM (Temperature Sensor)

Initially I would like you to help me choose the appropriate analog front end. I obviously understand that in order to be able to combine the monitoring of all these vital biomedical parameters I will need more than one analog front end. For this reason I would like you to suggest me the appropriate analogσ front endσ that I will need for these functions and tell me if you know if I can connect the analog front end at the same time with the above micro-controller or I will have a problem ??

In addition, as I have no experience in designing a patient monitoring system, I would like you to tell me in detail the rest of the equipment I will need or to indicate a similar model that will help me.

Kind Regards

Sotiriοs Katsimentes