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PMP22343: PMP22343 design issue

Part Number: PMP22343


I have buit a design using PMP22343 for 5V to +/-40V. But when i am powering up the circuit through external DC source at 5V it going to CC limit without any loading. Kindly help me the same

  • Hi,

    Pls find the schematic used attached for ref

  • Hi Sanjay,

    What do you have the current limit on your input supply set to?

    The device has an internal soft-start that is roughly 6 ms that may help with powering the HV outputs, but there will be a large in-rush current considering the large output voltages and capacitances.

    Do the outputs reach the regulation point of +/- 40V?



  • Hi,

    I am using a Regulated DC power supply of 32V,1A rating. 

    No the converter is going to the current limit up to 1A in regulated DC power supply as soon as input touches 4V 

  • Hi Sanjay,

    The efficiency data shows at least 2.6 A input current will be provided to reach full output power, you may require a different input supply.

    Can you measure the switching node during start-up? Is there a pack of pulses to charge up the input?

    Decreasing the output capacitance can help reduce the energy required to get the output voltage up to the regulation point. This will change the loop response however. Can you see if the behavior changes halving the output capacitance on both outputs?

