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I am trying to make a new macro from a circuit. I built it and exported it as a CIR netlist file. When I use New Macro Wizard I get "Error Loading Library!" Tried both TINA and PSpice lists. What am I doing wrong?
Can you provide a copy of the circuit you are trying to export? Is it a subcircuit or a simulatable circuit (forcing voltages/currents, meters, etc.)?
The new macro wizard is expecting a netlist format of:
.SUBCKT <subcircuit name> <node1> ... <noden>
Subcircuit body
.ENDS <subcircuit name>
When exporting a netlist from the schematic capture in TINA-TI, the full circuit is exported and can be run in TINA using the File-->Import-->PSpice netlist ...function. Navigate to your netlist and check it for errors (click on the check mark at the top of the Netlist Editor window). Resolve any errors and select Analysis-->(Your analysis type). If the netlist runs and creates the output you were expecting, you have exported a simulatable netlist, not a subcircuit, and the New Macro Wizard cannot import the netlist.
If you are trying to create a macro block with inputs and outputs, please let us know and an example can be provided. TINA-TI is limited in its block macro capabilities, so it would be ideal if you caould provide the circuit of interest.
Britt Brooks