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I would like to create a new macro using macro pins.
In a different discussion I found out how to get access to macro pins in TINA-TI.
I then went to follow these instructions to create a new macro: On slide 62, Tim uses the new macro wizard to create a macro from the current circuit.
That option is grayed out for me in TINA-TI. Is there another way to do this?
I am checking on this. I noticed that as well when I was looking at the macro pin question, but I thought the tool would allow the choice if a schematic with the pins was available. Give me some time to check into this.
You can still export the schematic into a netlist and import as you would a .LIB file. You just need to remove all of the external stimulus (which you wouldn't want to export anyway) from the circuit. Export the netlist for PSpice and you will have to create the .SUBCKT statement with the pin names and make sure they are named appropriately (I usually name the net with the pin name I am going to use so the netlist has that name already). You will need to add a .ENDS statement as well. Look at any of the examples for Op Amps that have a .SUBCKT statement as a guide.
There may be some include statements that you need to remove as well. It is set up to export a .CIR file, not a .LIB file.
I just got confirmation. TINA-TI does not support the schematic macro construction. I'll bet Tim's document was made using an older version of TINA Industrial that many of us had previously. You can upgrade to the Industrial version of TINA at the DesignSoft website if that becomes a necessity.
I could not remember if I had done that previously (I had, but used Industrial also) with TINA-TI. Apologies for the inconvenience, but I wanted to make sure that I got you the correct information and options.
No worries, thanks so much for checking for me.
I have been thinking a lot about shelling out for the industrial upgrade. Tough call.
I came to a similar conclusion regarding the PSPICE.CIR output. I haven't tried it yet, since it was just easier for me to suck it up and copy the whole subcircuit over to the target schematic.
I love learning from you guys. We try to opt for TI parts whenever we can since the support here on E2E is so excellent.
Have a great weekend!