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Hi Experts,
Good day.
The customer is asking.
I am in senior design at Milwaukee School of Engineering and unfortunately, I am unable to access the E2E since I don't have a valid company email address and was told in the past to email CSR for assistance.
My task this term is to build a PV static switch PSU with a battery backup to power the BLE MCU. I also have a few questions regarding that as well. I searched through your site and found lots of information on your Solar charge controller solutions and references, intrigued by TIDA-010042 and saw TIDA-00120 as another solution. My biggest issue is we are using a 3V panel that can be configured as 3, 6, or 12V. and your reference are 12,24, or 48V. I am looking to downsize a charge controller to be able to have those inputs and an output of 3.3V with 2A to charge a 18650 3200-3700mAh battery. With the use of a static switch, the output will also need to power the CC2640R2L circuit.
I noticed that the TIDA-010042 uses an MSP430 series and if I remember correctly my LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 uses one as well. Since our whole team is new to most of this, especially BLE, the question and I are assuming the CC2640R2L needs an MCU like the MSP430 to control it.
Please advise.
Hi Josel,
The TIDA-010042 uses the MSP430F5132, so all the available code is written for MSP430.
Looking at the peripherals used for TIDA-010042, I think a CC2640R2L could handle the necessary as well.
TIDA-010042 requires 4 ADC channels, 4 PWMs (handled by a single timer module), 1 comparator input and a few GPIOs. The only missing part is the comparator, but this can be compensated with an external component and a GPIO.
Also from a processing and memory standpoint the CC2640R2L exceeds the MSP430F5132 as well, so I see no problem implementing system comparable to TIDA-010042 with CC2640R2L .
Best regards,
Hi Andreas,
Good day.
The customer responded.
Awesome. Our EE-embedded courses at school utilized the MSP432 Dev boards so I have familiarity with the chip family.
As a student, we really have not dived deep into designing a charge controller/ power supply and this part is all new to me. With that, all of my reading and research, discussed "low" voltage as 12, 24, and 48V. I need to use a reduced factor of 4 (3, 6, 12). I really like the use of the MPPT controller since on cloudy days it will help my power transfer. Through my research, I always came back to the system TI developed and tried to understand how to reduce the input to fit our criteria, or at least what part of the circuit/component(s) I would need to take a better look at or understand more.
Please advise.
Keep safe.
Hi Josel,
In general you would have to look at the power part of this design, but I am not sure how fitting this is for your application. In TIDA-010042 we use a interleaved buck converter topology to handle higher currents up to 20A. Is this necessary in your application?
If the system load is in the range of a few Amperes it might also be interesting to look into a battery charger chip like the BQ25798 (
If it is necessary to support 3.3 V Output voltage with 3V input you need to look for a buck-boost topology.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Hi Andreas,
Our design is taking a 3V with a max 120mA PV array into an MPPT controller which will need a 2A output to a 18650 battery. We also need to send 3V to the BLE via a static switch from the controller/battery.
Hi Josel,
In this case, I think the interleaved topology of TIDA-010042 is not well suited.
Do you think a one chip solution like the BQ25798 could fit?
Best regards,
Hi Andreas,
Good day.
The seems good but it is out-of-stock. Do you have any possible part that is suitable?
Hi Josel,
Sorry for the late reply. I was out of office for the last 2 week.
You can go to the Battery charger ICs category on and filter for all the parameters you need.
I did a a preselection according to the parameters you mentioned earlier under the following link:;1&p1153max=2;16.2&p2656max=12;40&p338=Li-Ion/Li-Polymer&p2656min=0;5&sort=p2656min;asc
Here all the parts fitting the parameters are shown also with the available inventory.
I hope this you find a fitting part. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Best regards,