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TIDA-020047: TIDA-020047 RAW ADC capture with DCA board and Cascade test APP

Part Number: TIDA-020047


We are trying to capture RAW ADC sample from our board based on the reference design TIDA-020047.

We flashed the "am273x_cascade.appimage" from the "\mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_04_01_02\ti\utils\test\cascade\am273x" application and we used the DCA1000 board with CLI  in"mmwave_studio_03_01_01_00\mmWaveStudio\PostProc" and used the "AM273X_Capture.json" in"mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_04_01_02\tools\data_capture" configuration file.

After executing matlab scripts under "mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_04_01_02\tools\cascade" to parse the captured file.

We have the following results and I think that the data is incorrect:

What do you think about this result and how to fix them ?


  • Hello,

    This response does not look correct. Can you please share additional info on the following:

    • Your test environment and the target.
    • Your HW setup
    • Your software that you are using for this configuration. 


    E. Shareef