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TLC556 schematic model has only ONE 555 timer displayed??!! (using Tina Basic v9.3)

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC556, TINA-TI

Just curious how I might find (or create) a schematic model for the 556 series of timers (especially the TLC556) that is more than one (1) timer when added to a schematic..

The PCB Design tool displays a 14 pin DIP (as one would expect) from the single Timer 556 model the schematic version displays.

As a result, one can't create (and test) a 556 timer circuit (a cascaded timer, for instance) and then generate a PCB model since the schematic 556 is displayed as a single 555 timer with only the pins for a single 555 timer, not a dual timer.

See images below:


As you can see, the second 555 timer portion (pins 8-13) on the TLC556 footprint on the PCB isn't used.

Any suggestions?? Solutions??


  • Paul,

    Since you are using TINA Basic 9.3 and the PCB tool, I would suggest that you contact DesignSoft for any issues you are seeing with the PCB tool. We support TINA-TI which is a free version of the simulation tool.

    I am curious as to why you would be surprised that there is only one 555 timer in the simulation model for the dual device (556). This is a standard practice across the industry for multiple components (dual and quad amplifiers, comparators, etc.). I am guessing that DesignSoft will have to help you in the translation of the schematic to your PCB layout.


  • Thanks, Britt.

    Not exactly a new user of TINA, but have only recently attempted using the dual package chips since i had hand constructed a PCB using them. I was unaware of the indusrty standard for dual package chips.

    Using the PCB feature was my next step to produce a few (3-4) boards of my final design (the hand building being a laborious and difficult process for me).

    Thanks for the advice. I will persue it.
