we are trying to simulate circuit which switches 3.3 from input 3.3V by MOSFET. T1 New macro is generated from DMN2005 Spice file.
Derived 3.3V can have maximum load of 1A.
1. I can't able to figure how to attach load to the output and simulate., i am not sure attaching 3.3Ohm resistor to load will reasonably simulate the actual load or not?
2. I have attached 22uF capacitor at load and Switched 3.3 output is plotted. But, 3.3V is not switching OFF(Captues attached) --Not sure why
3. In another circuit, i tried with Rload = 6.6Ohms and Cload=22uF, then i can able to get the switched 3.3V properly as per control signal. is this the correct way to simulate load
4. In the Vsw waveform in highted ellipse, if there is a spike in waveform, but if measure voltages with curser it always shows 3.3V, is not showing any voltage chagnes at the spike
Actual circuit contains R1 and R2 as 10K, but with that i am seeing switched 3.3V is not going completely LOW (When Switched OFF, it is going to ~ 1V), So, i changed R1 to 330Ohms. But I am not sure when both are 10k's why exactly ~1v is appearing at switched 3.3V output...