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Export not working for Eagle Cad LM3492

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3492

Tried uncheck "Include Footprint LIB" option but still times out. Works for designpark but not eagle. In and out parameters same as eval board but still does not export....timeout error for any config. Vin = 12-14.5, Vout = 31V, 300ma. Have tried several different in and out but still export "times out".

  • Hi Steve,

    Sorry about the error and thanks for pointing it out. I've made the fix and it should release by tomorrow afternoon. You should be able to just hit the export button again and it should work.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Tommy and thanks for the help.  It downloaded tonight but when error checking in the cad it shows that most of the nets "have fallen apart" (they are not connected to anything). There are numerous junctions missing, many net overlaps, and only "one pin" on net nine and ten.  Basically most of the components and nets are not connected to anything. Did i download too early and this will be fixed tomorrow?

    Thanks again for your help.


    -------- Click to show quoted text
    Original Message --------
    Subject: RE: [Power and Lighting Tools Forum] Export not working for
    Eagle Cad LM3492
    [collapse] From: "Tommy Jewell - WEBENCH Design Center"
    Date: Tue, September 09, 2014 7:46 pm
    To: <>

    Hi Steve,
    Sorry about the error and thanks for pointing it out. I've made the fix and it should release by tomorrow afternoon. You should be able to just hit the export button again and it should work.
    Best regards,
  • Hi Steve,

    I'm looking into this issue and why its happening, I think it may be a graphical grid spacing issue, but when I check the actual wire nets they seem fine. If you use the watch tool and click any of the wires you can see that they are making the correct connections, or if you export the netlist you can see the same. (Except for the 2 isolated nets, but this was on purpose as we take the LED symbols we have out for the user to use their own). I was also able to get rid of most of the errors by using the move tool and just double clicking the troubled spots while holding down the ctrl button.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks Tommy.

    Could this be part of the issue when you programed the schematic?

    I tried all the things you did last night but many of the nets would not correct even with re-naming and had to re build several of the components. They just would not attach.  From hindsight could have drawn out the schematic quicker from start once I had the devices.

    Appreciate your help.


    -------- Click to show quoted text
    Original Message --------
    Subject: RE: [Power and Lighting Tools Forum] Export not working for
    Eagle Cad LM3492
    [collapse] From: "Tommy Jewell - WEBENCH Design Center"
    Date: Wed, September 10, 2014 1:27 pm
    To: <>

    Hi Steve,
    I'm looking into this issue and why its happening, I think it may be a graphical grid spacing issue, but when I check the actual wire nets they seem fine. If you use the watch tool and click any of the wires you can see that they are making the correct connections, or if you export the netlist you can see the same. (Except for the 2 isolated nets, but this was on purpose as we take the LED symbols we have out for the user to use their own). I was also able to get rid of most of the errors by using the move tool and just double clicking the troubled spots while holding down the ctrl button.
    Best regards,
  • Hi Tommy.  Appreciate your effort and help but your code is not exporting. I should have just drawn this once I could export the TI device because it would be a lot faster.  Attached is the output of what the devices look like after running your script. This was after manually connected every device and all the nets. None of them were connected.The other thing the script does is saves the lib as AcceleratedDesigns_Lib
    even if we do a "save as" with a different name. You can see from the photo that the devices are very distorted.

    Sent you a tip in my last email.  Was it any help.



    -------- Click to show quoted text
    Original Message --------
    Subject: RE: [Power and Lighting Tools Forum] Export not working for
    Eagle Cad LM3492
    [collapse] From: "Tommy Jewell - WEBENCH Design Center"
    Date: Wed, September 10, 2014 1:27 pm
    To: <>

    Hi Steve,
    I'm looking into this issue and why its happening, I think it may be a graphical grid spacing issue, but when I check the actual wire nets they seem fine. If you use the watch tool and click any of the wires you can see that they are making the correct connections, or if you export the netlist you can see the same. (Except for the 2 isolated nets, but this was on purpose as we take the LED symbols we have out for the user to use their own). I was also able to get rid of most of the errors by using the move tool and just double clicking the troubled spots while holding down the ctrl button.
    Best regards,
  • Hi Steve sorry for the slow reply.

    I did see your message and had also seen that forum post. I haven't figured out a way yet to easily get rid of those errors beyond double clicking each connection (a having to redraw a couple), but since the netlist is already setup in the file the connections should already be made and you should be able to make a ratnest on a board without getting rid of those errors.

    I did not see any picture attached to your message to look at.

    There is some work on getting the parts connected to the library file as you have noted, but you don't have to replace the devices or the nets. In order to do this though, you do need to leave the library name as the AcceleratedDesigns_Lib so the schematic can update its components properly. 

    Once you have the library created, open the schematic and go to the library menu and select update and browse to your AcceleratedDesigns_Lib. You will have to click through each component on the library list (this is the part that is work) and hit ok but this will update the links in the schematic for all the components to point to your library. After this you should be able to just create the board and it should ratnest fine. I tested on a copy of your design and it worked for me. 

    I'm attaching a document that explains better with a couple of pictures.

    Hope this helps,

    Best regards,

    Tommy5153.Steps to integrating the Eagle library for Schematic and convert it to board netlist.docx