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I have just downloaded CAD file for a DC/DC converter for Eagle CAD. However, those files are not much useful in Eagle CAD. They are just viewable on Eagle CAD but schematics and layout are not connected to each others. The schematics and layout are needed to be drawn.
Is that how it works or do I suppose to have files that schematics and layout are linked to each others and editable?
Hi Serdar,
Thank you for your support using WEBENCH Power Designer Tool.
I’m assuming you want to proto type the design and linking the schematic to the PCB file. For larger system design integration, there are a lot more manual steps are involved.
For the simple Eagle’s import process using the WEBENCH schematic and PCB files; Start by creating a new project. In the project folder, open the downloaded PCB file. Next is to import the library which allows the project to link the PCB file to schematic. Start a new library, and use the library script to import the components and please names the library as “AcceleratedDesigns_Lib.lbr”. Now, back to the PCB active window, use the PCB library update feature to link the library and then go to File and select “Switch to Schematic”, a blank schematic page will open. Now import the downloaded schematic. You have just completed the process to linked schematic to PCB under one project.
Also, included in the zipped file, there is a readme file has the basic instructions on how to import files.
Lastly,the free version of Eagle only supports 2-layers PCB and majority of the WEBENCH DC-to-DC board files are in 4-layers.
I have followed this procedure and am still encountering many issues. Is there an easy way to resolve all the inconsistencies?
Thanks for the reply howard. Please see the attached.
Hi Shawn,
Attached are the converted Eagle files.
Could please help me understand as to what version of Eagle are you using and what type of errors do you see when you tried to load the WEBENCH Eagle file. We can take this offline if you want to contact me directly;