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Webench/TPS54302: Export to CAD EAGLE provides files that contain errors

Part Number: TPS54302

Tool/software: Webench


Dear Madame, dear Sir,

first of all I wish you an happy new year !

I searched in the FAQ if someone asked about the use of EAGLE CAD tool, but nothing appeared...

I recently bought EAGLE 7.7 (64 bits). With the T.I. Webench tool, I try to export the design of a simple DC/DC regulator based on the TPS54302. In the submit form, I select Eagle CAD tool, with PCB footprint.

I download the zip file, and extract. Then I follow the instructions in the "readme" file (script execution in order to recover the library of component).

After several seconds, an error message appears, saying that a component is not recognized. Only a capacitor is drawn in the sheet of the schematics. Nothing about the rest...

Is there a bug in the Webench for exporting design to EAGLE ? Do I need to first install a specific component's library from Texas Instruments in the EAGLE folder ? In this case, where could I find such a library ?

I thank you in advance for your answer,


  • Hello Gilles,

    Thank you for contacting us on the EAGLE import library issue.  I have created a default TPS54302 WEBENCH design and ran the script to import the library without any issues.  As you see from the screen captured below.

    I'm running the same Eagle version on Windows 10.  The only difference is the design. Could you please share your WEBENCH design so I can take a closer look.   My email

  • Dear Howard,

    Thank you very much for your fast answer.

    Please find herebelow the zip file that I obtained using the Webench based on TPS54302, with following requirements : Vin = 4.5V to 28V, Iout=3A, Vout=3.3V.

    In the readme files, many comments are listed, without knowing if the concern is WARNINGS of ERRORS.  I hope the attachment of the file is worth (first time I use this tool).

    Best regards,


  • Hi Gilles,

    Thank you for sharing the design. I was able to pin-point the issue to a capacitor with empty attributes.  The fix has been updated online.  

    I have also took the liberty to setup a project for your design to sync the library with  the schematic. Welcome to use it or download a new export file to setup your project with the library and schematic. Please note that the library needs to be named exactly as: AcceleratedDesigns_Lib.lbr for the schematic to sync up.

    If you run into any other issues, feel free to contact me.