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Hi all
Would you mind if we ask TPS62090?
Our customer will use TPS62090 as following conditions;
-Vin : 5V
-Vout : 1V
-Iout : 3A
-Fsw : 2.8MHz(FREQ pin connects to GND)
When we simulate above conditions of Vin, Vout and Iout, we could not simulate.
Then, it showed the message "For Vout<0.6V, current limit of 1.5A is being exceeded for the given design condtions during startup." on pop-up window "Parts Not Found". Please refer to the attached file.
3644.20151023_TPS62090_Webench simulation.pdf
So, is it possible to achieve above condtions? or not?
We could not find out the switching frequency on the datasheet P6 at above conditions;
It will be approximate 2.2 MHz, won't it?
Kind regards,
Hirotaka Matsumoto
We are taking a look at the device and its WEBENCH® support. I have verified your results. The design is created if the output current is lower than 2.2A.
Thanks for your patience.
Britt san, Chris san, Nikhil san
Thank you for your great help.
Kind regards,
Hirotaka Matsumoto