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Why do TINA-TI don't have spice model/ library for transformer which have auxiliary winding?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, UCC28C40

I want to design a 110Vdc to 5Vdc converter. I used webench design tool that with which I obtained a design that uses flyback optocoupler feedback  and UCC28C40 PWM Switching converter in the design. The main problem is there is transformer which have an auxiliary winding but while drawing circuit in TINA-TI ,I didn't find any library file of such transformer of I could make use of. Also, I am not finding any option of creating such transformer block. So what should I do regarding such issue?

  • Sagar,

    You have 2 options:

    (1) ON the top bar, go to Basic >> Select "Transformers" >> Select "Nonlinear transformer with separate secondary coils". When you add this, you can customize the parameters as needed.
    (2) If you have the transformer model from a manufacturer, you can import that into TINA-TI. Instructions can be found here (Check out Training 1.9):
  • I choose  1st option of your answer and prepared this [simulation of schematic](2061.Noname.TSC) .If you check "Analysis-> DC analysis->calculate nodal voltage" , and test voltage across  auxiliary winding( N2) it is showing 7.07nV which is very very less. According to the schematic it must be around 18 to 20 V. So what should be root cause of it.? Is it due to UCC28C40 is not powered ON or wrong design of transformer? I have set all the values in simulation circuit same as per the values given in schematic obtained from WEBENCH tool. 

  • A DC simulation will give you the results at time t=0. If the device is not powered up, it will give 0V.

    It is better to run a transient sim and let it power up to the final value and observe the voltages and currents after Startup is over.