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Hi JC/Whoever,
I am trying to create a transformer model for use with UCC28C43 testbench but cannot find this option in the Modeling window but there is only option for 1s1p flyback transformer.
Is there any option to model this in PSPICE for TI?
I suggest you to use the transformer with the existing test bench for your simulation and modify the transformer parameters to your main output.
The other windings can be relative to your main output windings.
TI does not support to help the PSpice model for customer's specified parts.
In case anyone is dumb like me i found the solution. My original bunk af solution obviously did not work.
Place->Pspice component-> modeling application will work for a single primary/secondary flyback only but wouldn't support more multiple windings.
The answer is to use coupled inductors which i was not aware pspice had.
In pspice you have to use K_linear or Kbreak which is available in breakout.olb. If you have a test bench open you may have to add this manually from
Coupling 1 or 0.99.
Then you add your seperate winndings as inductors (e.g. Lp,Ls,Laux). You gotta calculate the inductance for each winding tho L1/l2 =N1^2/N2^2 basically is good enough approximation.
In K_linear or kbreak, you go into properties and you list each of them Under L1,l2,l3. The order does not matter.
After this it will work and lm3488 however note this model is broken beyond belief and inexplicably you need to set a long time like 100m or the simuatlion will output 0 for everything dont even ask me why but if you put 10m it will output garbage but if you put 100m with literally no changes to circuit or sim params it will run right dont even ask how much time it took me to figure this out lol