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TINA/Spice/CSD18541F5: PSPICE 16.5 : ERROR(ORPSIM-15108)

Expert 7280 points
Part Number: CSD18541F5
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI,

Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models

Dear team,

I couldn't test it by myself, but it seems that CSD18541F5 PSPICE model is malfunctioning with PSPICE 16.5.

The following error is listed:

ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit CSD18541F5 used by X_U1 is undefined

Are we aware of this issue ? Can we update/re-test the model ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your support, and happy new year to you !

All the best,


  • PA,

    This error normally occurs when the user has not added the .lib file to the path in the simulation profile. Please verify that the library path has been updated to point at the .lib file provided in the .zip file from the product folder.

    If the library path is correct, the user should be able to see the PSpice model from the schematic editor by clicking on the placement in the schematic and selecting View PSpice model. If none is found, the path is not set up properly.

    I have tested the model in 16.6 and found no issues.