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TINA/Spice/TS5A3159-EP: LTSPICE model

Part Number: TS5A3159-EP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI,

Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models

Is there a LTSPICE model for part:

TS5A3159-EP  ?

I have been using very primitive model {.model MySwitch SW(Ron=1.5 Roff=10Meg Vt=.5 Vh=0.1 Lser=0 Vser=0)} and now want to upgrade my simulation work to use the exact model.

I could be ordering in excess of one million units a year in automotive so it is worth replying to my question.

I am not skilled with PSPICE simulators and I have not got the time to learn how to use them.

  • Gary,

    The LTspice end user license agreement forbids us from making LTspice models.
    We can make models for Pspice, and/or TINA-TI, a free Spice simulator available at

    If you want to request a Pspice or TINA model, please contact your local TI sales representative and they can make the request on your behalf.
