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TINA/Spice/LM5105: ERROR(ORPSIM-15108)

Part Number: LM5105
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI,

Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models


I am having some trouble simulating the LM5105 part in PSPICE. I have downloaded the SPICE model from the TI website. I created the PSPICE model from it and associated a schematic capture symbol with it as I usually do with models from Analog and other manufactures. When I run the simulation I receive a few errors and the simulation aborts.


Here are the five errors specifically.

ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit comphyst_vd used by X_U1.xuvlo_vdd is undefined

ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit comphyst_bst used by X_U1.xuvlo_bst is undefined

ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit highside_driver used by X_U1.xhighside is undefined

ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit lowside_driver used by X_U1.xlowside is undefined

ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit deadtime used by X_U1.xdeadtimer is undefined


For some reason I can't paste the text right from the file into this question. I will attach a text file with the output log to this question. I have done some searching around and it seems that this model has had some previous history of not working very well. I'm curious if its something Im doing or if there is a problem with the model. If the model is suspect has it been fixed?


I have also included a screen shot of the schematic I am trying to simulate.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you,


  • Hi Dong,

    When I download the OrCad/pspice project from, it runs ok.
    Also, when I look the error that you have there, it means the .SUBCKT definition of xdeadtimer is not recognized.

    There are several things here:
    1. What simulator do you use? OrCad/pspice ?

    2. Also have you attached the model to the symbol?
    If you use OrCad/pspice, make sure you go to Simulation Profile -> Configuration Files -> LIbrary and then browse the files and use "Add to Design" button to add the file.

    3. Alternatively, you can also just download the project from
    and then create additional schematic on this project. You can also copy paste your schematic from the other project into this project so that you don't have to draw manually from the beginning.
