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Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools
I am trying to open this PCB layout in Eagle that was made in webbench. However, when I go to open either the board or schematic I receive an error in eagle. Upon opening the sch and brd files in a text editor, it seems they are not separated by rows and every command is placed on the first row in one large column.
Hi Jason,
We are able to reproduce the issue and the EAGLE export is failing because of two reasons :
We will let you know once the issue is fixed on
Thanks & Regards,
Praveen B
This fixed the issue and I was able to load the board and schematic. The schematic was full was "This net has fallen apart" errors, which seem to be from some outdated copy/paste Eagle method, so I had to redraw all the nets on the schematic Alot of the parts were copied as well so instead of having "GND" I had "GND1", "GND2" etc which eagle interprets as different things.