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PSPICE-FOR-TI: Can I get the Cadence PSpice library into PSpice for TI?

Part Number: PSPICE-FOR-TI

The title says it all.  If I can please tell me how.

Dave Santos

  • David,

    Thank you for your question, and your interest in Pspice for TI.

    There are Cadence Pspice models built into the tool.
    You can see them using the traditional Place Part panel. 
    You can more easily see them by clicking the Launch Pspice Part Search icon:


    This will open a right-hand panel that displays a hierarchy of models.
    The Texas Instruments folder holds the 5300+ TI device models organized in
    the same way as presented on our web site. The other folders hold
    the traditional Pspice primitives and models.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.


  • John, I have installed PSpice-for-TI following the instriction, but I cannot see the library tree you are showing.

    I can see the following libraries only:

    How can I add "Texas Instruments" library?



  • Renato,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Please check for the following:

    1. Are you able to open one of the reference designs on the Start Page and run a sim to completion?
    2. If so, do you see the following folders at %HOME%\cdssetup?
    3. If so, what is the size in Mbytes, and how many files are in pspTILibDir?
      You can see this by right-clicking and selecting Properties.
    4. Find the file %APPDATA%\Cadence\PSpiceTIInstall\cdsPspiceTIlog.txt and upload it to this thread using the paperclip icon.
    5. Go to the Pspice for TI Help menu and select 
    6. Pspice for TI will close.
    7. Reopen the tool,  allow the updates to complete,and the Start Page to appear.
    8. Re-do Step 2 and also post the result to this thread.
    9. Does the Texas Instruments - with models - folder appear in the library?

    Thank you.


  • Thanks, for taking the time to reply.  Yes, I know about all he TI parts, that's a good thing.  What I am asking about is the Cadence library, it has over 13000 models, which have all been vetted.  You guys don't make power discrete's,  and they're useful when modelling a power supply.


    Dave Santos

  • David,

    There is no way to add the commercially available Cadence libraries to Pspice for TI.
    Cadence supports an upgrade path for the tool, but I'm not sure what that includes.
    You can find out more about this option via the Upgrade button on the Pspice for TI Start Page.

    There are a couple of alternatives to consider.

    1. Pspice for TI contains a modelling application that allows you to customize some frequently used models.
        The list includes a power MOSFET, power diode, L, C, sources, a transformer, and a switch.
        If discrete MOSFETs are of interest, consider the parameterized power MOSFET model..
         You can access it via the Modelling Application ( ) and complete the GUI table to create a model customized to your favorite power MOSFET.

    2. You can import models into the tool the usual way via the Tools/Generate Part menu.
        The downside to this is that if the model is placed in schematic, it will be limited to plotting three waveforms in any sim.


  • Thnks, John, I resolved.

    It was a problem about "Home" directory (the user ambient variable).

    Now it works.

    Thank a lot.
