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WEBENCH® Tools/TPS65279: cannot fin d part in WEBENCH

Part Number: TPS65279

Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools

In the data sheet for the TPS65279, it states: 

"The following design procedure can be used to select component values for the TPS65279. Alternately, the WEBENCH® software may be used to generate a complete design. The WEBENCH software uses an iterative design procedure and accesses a comprehensive database of components when generating a design."

However, when I enter the TPS65279 number into WEBENCH, I get the following:

"Sorry, we could not find "TPS65279"

Can you explain how I can access the TPS65279 in WEBENCH as per the datasheet instructions.

  • Hi Doug,

    Thank you for your interest in the device and WEBENCH. We do not have the WEBENCH support for  TPS65279 in our current pipeline. We will forward your interest to the corresponding product support team. Please post any specific design help questions in the respective product support forum so the product experts can help you with the questions or provide alternate tools such as excel calculators to help with your designs.

    Thanks and Regards,
