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Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools
Hi Sir/ma'am
sir , we want to design transformer based Boost converter voltage .
please suggest any hardware design .
input source : 12 V lead acid battery
output: 360V
Hi Anil,
Thanks for contacting us. We can use Webench power designer (link below) to get the solution list for our input requirements (In your case, Vin=12V and Vout =360V). We observed that for your required inputs, Webench only has push-pull topology enabled. For further assistance to choose a solution, I am forwarding this post to product experts.
Webench power desinger link :
Best Regards,
Hi, Umayal,
Apologize in advance, most of our staff is off for the end of year holidays. I have asked my colleagues to comment on your request.
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with our buck-boost product offerings, but you may want to poke around here in the meanwhile and see if you find anything to fit your needs.
Hi Anil,
the output power is 360V*8A = 2.88kW. i think you would need a full bridge solution. do you need isolation between the primary and secondary sides.
Hi Jasper Li,
Actually we need 250 watt design ,which maximum current 4 amp,and maximum voltage 360 volts. and isolation between the primary and secondary sides.
Hi Anil,
250W is not small. let me check what is suitable solution for this.
Hi Anil,
Thank you for connecting through TI E2E and my apologies that it is taking so long to help with your design question. I believe part of the confusion is because the design parameters have not been clearly communicated. For example some of the power requirements are not making sense: such as the need for 3A<Iout<8A and Vout=360V but Pout=250W. The only way I can see these parameters achieved is by a CC/CV driver - are your requirements for some sort of LED driver or battery charger where you need CC and CV limited to 250W? 12 V input - is this for an automotive application? It also sound as if you need isolation - is this correct? Your original inquiry was "transformer based boost" - a flyback converter is an isolated boost converter by definition of the large signal transfer function: Boost is Vo/Vin=1/(1-D); Flyback (isolate boost) is Vo/Vin=(Ns/Np)*D*[1/(1-D)]. 250W would be asking a lot from a flyback, especially during the case when delivering 8A. I hope these considerations help. I would recommend we close this E2E thread since it is not contributing help to your design or the E2E community. I would recommend that you clarify your design parameters and if help/guidance is still needed, please open a new E2E thread?
Steve M