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CC2640R2F-Q1: My PCB design wont flash?

Part Number: CC2640R2F-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640, CC2640R2F

I am trying to flash firmware onto a cc2640r2fq1 chip on a pcb i designed through the debugger of a cc2640 launchpad. i get the following error:

>Initiate access to target: COM5 using 2-pin cJTAG.

>No response from device. Device may not be in bootloader mode. Reset device and try again.

If problem persists, check connection and baud rate.

>Connecting over serial bootloader failed: No response from device. Device may not be in bootloader mode. Reset device and try again.

If problem persists, check connection and baud rate.

>Failed to create device object.

>Initiate access to target: COM5 using 2-pin cJTAG.

>No response from device. Device may not be in bootloader mode. Reset device and try again.

If problem persists, check connection and baud rate.

>Connecting over serial bootloader failed: No response from device. Device may not be in bootloader mode. Reset device and try again.

If problem persists, check connection and baud rate.

>Failed to create device object.

>Initiate access to target: COM5 using 2-pin cJTAG.

>No response from device. Device may not be in bootloader mode. Reset device and try again.

If problem persists, check connection and baud rate.

>Connecting over serial bootloader failed: No response from device. Device may not be in bootloader mode. Reset device and try again.

If problem persists, check connection and baud rate.

>Failed to create device object.

>Initiate access to target: COM5 using 2-pin cJTAG.

>No response from device. Device may not be in bootloader mode. Reset device and try again.

If problem persists, check connection and baud rate.

>Connecting over serial bootloader failed: No response from device. Device may not be in bootloader mode. Reset device and try again.

If problem persists, check connection and baud rate.

>Failed to create device object.

Any ideas what i could be doing wrong, and also what is the correct firmware to flash onto the chip and where can i find it as i dont think i have the right files?