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If I have a program already on hand to these RFID tags, what instrument or process do I need to upload the program to the tags?

  • Hi Frank,

    I am not sure if I understand your request correct. What does it mean, you have a program already on hand? From my understanding you want to write some data to this kind of tag. Can you please explain in more detail what you have available and what you want to achieve.

    Best Regards,


  • That is what I mean, I have data from a customer, they want the data they gave me to be on the tags because the tags go with a product we are producing for them. I just need to know how to get data on to the tag?

  • Hi Frank,

    thanks for the clarification. TI is not selling or providing reader / programmer as a ready to use product. We can provide only evaluation modules with firmware examples and demo software. For your needs it would require to write own software which I assume is not what you want to do.

    The RF-HDT-DVBB-N2 transponder is an ISO15693 compatible transponder which can be handled by most of the compatible readers available on the market. We can not give a recommendation for a specific vendor. In any case the reader must be able to handle the TI Tag-It HF-I transponder because these transponders need the handling of the so called option flag which is part of the ISO15693 standard but not implemented at all readers.

    Please see also the following thread which covers the same question:

    (+) RF-HDT-DVBB: Recommended reader and writer - Other wireless technologies forum - Other wireless - TI E2E support forums

    Best Regards,
