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CC2642R: Inquiry about CC2642R’s Bluetooth qualification (Ver.5.3)

Part Number: CC2642R

Hi team,

I received inquiry about CC2642R’s Bluetooth qualification.

 According to “How to Certify Your Bluetooth Product ( )”, CC2652E is registered in “Ver.5.2” with D052819(QDID:156080). It seems our customer plans to do

Bluetooth qualification test with their system (CC2642R), therefore, customer is asking that TI have any plans to take “Ver.5.3” qualification around next year. If TI has already rough schedule,

Could you share this rough schedule, please?


Customer is expecting TI will take new Bluetooth qualification (new QDID). According to the current “D052819(QDID:156080), TCRL-2021-01-11”, there are not any description about L2CAP ICS 4/1, 4/2 and 4/3. And then, “GATT ICS 4/25” is not supported. Customer believes that “L2CAP ICS 4/1, 4/2, 4/3” are Mandatory items.

Therefore, customer also would like to know TI’s support-policy for L2CAP ICS 4/1, 4/2, 4/3 and GATT ICS 4/25

Can I have your expert’s advice/comments on customer’s inquiries, please?

Best regards,


  • Hi Miyazaki-san,

    Generally speaking, as Bluetooth 5.3 has not introduced any compatibility break, the device Bluetooth 5.2 compliant are also Bluetooth 5.3 compliant.

    Qualified Components QDIDs have a validity period of three (3) years. A new TCRL release does NOT modify the validity period of a QDID. In other words, a QDID can be referenced even if the TCRL has become inactive. As a result of TCRL changes over time, there may be new test cases introduced for which there is no previously existing test evidence. Assuming the Component is still within the three-year window, members are not responsible for testing new test cases that are introduced and associated with an existing ICS selection or re-executing any test cases impacted by a Test Specification Errata (TSE) introduced in TCRL releases since the original Component's assessment date. Members are always required to ensure their designs are compliant with (and when necessary provide test evidence for new test cases associated with) any Expedited Erratum introduced in TCRL releases since the original Component qualification.

    As TCRL-2021-01-11 has not introduced any mandatory erratum, no additional tests should be required from you. Please let us know if otherwise.

    To finish, please make sure to leverage the help of your Bluetooth Qualification Consultant (BQC) through this process.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Clément,

    Thank you for your comments. I’ll share them with customer, soon.

    But, please allow me to ask a little bit because I may confuse you. I’m sorry.

    For “BT Core Spec v5.3” BT qualification, customer mentioned  L2CAP ICS 4/1, 4/2, 4/3 and GATT ICS 4/25 would become Mandatory items. Therefore, customer was expecting TI has plan to have new IDs for v5.3 core spec. According to the following matrix, TI has several TCRL/QDIDs for each BLE-Stack5 versions/Core spec version as follows. (Probably, I suppose those IDs is related to BLE Stack version.  When new SDK will be released near future, I understand the following matrix will be updated).


    I understand customer will be able to use above latest TCRL/QDID for BT v5.3 qualification within three years (till 2024) because members are not responsible for testing new test cases . this means, Can I mention TI does not plan to take new TCRL/QDID for “BT Core Spec v5.3” at this time?

    I believe the latest SDK is ver5.30.01.01 (BLR-Stack is version 5- if customer is using this version, customer should refer to “QDID=156080/TCRL-2021-01-11. Is my understanding correct?

    Of course I'll request customer to contact their BQC.

    Best regards,


  • Miyazaki-san,

    customer was expecting TI has plan to have new IDs for v5.3 core spec

    As I have demonstrated before, having Bluetooth 5.3 qualification would not change anything in this case. I would recommend to clearly explain this to your customer. All the QDIDs we have are mentioned in the document you have referenced. I cannot comment TI future strategy on a public forum.

    I believe the latest SDK is ver5.30.01.01 (BLR-Stack is version 5- if customer is using this version, customer should refer to “QDID=156080/TCRL-2021-01-11. Is my understanding correct?

    Correct! When using SDK 5.30, QDID 156080 should be used. The only active TCRL as of today is TCRL-2021-01-11. So customer should reference this TCRL (i.e. CRL-2021-01-11). However, the customer should not be asked to provide test evidences related to the tests added between TCRL-2020-1 (TCRL used to obtain QDID 156080) and the current active TCRL (i.e. TCRL-2021-01-11).

    Best regards,

  • Hi Clément,

    Thank you for your clarification.

    I shared your comments with customer. I'd like to wait for customer's feedback a couple of days.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Clément,

    I received customer’s feedback. Customer contacted their BQC and they discussed this BT Certification. Customer is considering this procedure as follows.

    When customer will take Bluetooth certification, customer is considering they need to do End-product registration during referring to “QDID:156080” that tested RF porting and Profile/Service. In that case, customer thinks Bluetooth Version will be registered with the lowest Version, so, when customer will refer to  “QDID:156080”, customer considers  their End-product cannot be registered as Bluetooth Ver.5.3. Since customer have similar experience themselves previously, customer does not think there is any mistake for this.

    And then, customer checked this QDID in the Bluetooth SIG, however, there is not “TCRL 2021-01-11” but only “TCRL 2020-1”  . Since I cannot show it on public E2E, I’d like to share the screen-shot which customer indicated offline

    if there is “TCRL 2021-1-11” actually and  TI does not plan to re-certify QDID with Ver.5.3, customer is considering they will need the document which describe the difference between “TCRL 2020-1” and “TCRL 2021-1”.  Can I have your further comments on this, please?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Miyazaki-san,

    I confirm the QDID provided so far by TI will allow Bluetooth 5.2 qualification - not Bluetooth 5.3.

    When going to qualification, the customer should select the active TCRL at the present moment (i.e. TCRL 2021-01-11) no matter which TCRL gets used to obtain the stack component QDID. As I have mentioned, no additional test evidences will be requested to the customer.

    The content of each TCRL can be found on the Bluetoot SIG website (here, see the TCRL Release Table). 

    Best regards,