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i'm using UniFlash dslite from the command-line to flash my launchpad.... all is well here....
on occasion, however, i will use the UniFlash GUI to manually erase the entire flash....
this is often the state of a newly-purchased launchpad....
when i run dslite from the command line, i receive an error suggesting i need to mass-erase the flash within CCS:
> "C:\Users\biosb\em-sdk\tools\ti-uniflash\ccs_base\DebugServer\bin\DSLite" flash -c ti.cc23xx/ti.distro.cc23xx/CC2340R5.ccxml -b Erase .out/main.out For more details and examples, please visit info: Cortex_M0P: Flash loader: CC23xx_FLASH_LIBRARY_VERSION info: Cortex_M0P: Debugging is not allowed. If this is not expected, check your CCFG. info: Cortex_M0P: If you are experiencing issues with loading your application, do the following (this will erase the chip): info: Cortex_M0P: - Code Composer Studio: info: Cortex_M0P: - End the current debug session (if any is active). info: Cortex_M0P: - View -> Target Configurations -> Right click on .ccxml file for your project -> Launch Selected Configuration. info: Cortex_M0P: - Right click on the 'Debug Probe/Cortex_M0P' and select 'Show all cores'. info: Cortex_M0P: - Select the 'Debug Probe/CS_DAP0' item after expanding the 'Non Debuggable Devices' item. info: Cortex_M0P: - Scripts -> CC23xx -> ChipErase to start Chip erase. info: Cortex_M0P: - You should now be able to load your application to the target.
i am, however, able to load a program through the UniFlash GUI in which i've selected the following settings:
could someone show me the equivalent command-line options for dslite....the earlier command output reports the options i'm currently passing to dslite....
FWIW, after i successfully loaded a mass-erased target through the UniFlash GUI, i tried creating a 'Standalone Command Line' version within the GUI....
when i run the generated dslite script on a mass-erased target, i get the same command-line error reported above!!!!
something i'm doing in the GUI is not being reflected in the generated CLI....
Hi Bob,
I see "flash -c" in your command line.
Instead, can you try doing a mass erase, but with the "--mode noConnectFlash" option?
Related post:
--mode noConnectFlash does not appear as an option.... and the latest online docs don't mention this option either....
the other post you referenced looked like it would solve the problem.... i just can't get dslite to accept --mode noConnectFlash
here's what dslite --help (v 8.5.0) reports at the command line:
Usage: dslite flash --config=ccxml-file [options] [flash-file1 ...] Options: -c [ --config ] arg Target Configuration (ccxml) file, must be supplied other than running --help. CCXML file can be generated and exported using the Uniflash GUI or Code Composer Studio. -N [ --list-cores ] List the available cores and index of the current configuration (index to be used with -n afterwards). -n [ --core ] arg (=0) Zero based index of core to operate on. -S [ --list-settings ] arg Takes a regex and list the final values applied to the matching settings. (ie; use .* to list all available settings) -p [ --list-ops ] List the available flash operations. -I [ --list-device-cmds ] List the available device commands, if any. -l [ --load-settings ] arg Apply settings file generated by UniFlash GUI. -s [ --setting ] arg Override a specific setting by using id=value. Can be specified multiple times. -b [ --before ] arg Operation(s) to perform before loading. Can be specified multiple times, and are performed in the order they appear on the command line. Get a list of operations by using --list-ops. -f [ --flash ] Load the file(s) specified at the end of the command line to flash. This is assumed to be set unless verify is set. -v [ --verify ] Verify the file(s) specified at the end of the command line. -a [ --after ] arg Optional operation to perform after loading. Can be specified multiple times, and are performed in the order they appear on the command line. Get a list of operations by using --list-ops. -R [ --list-resets ] List of resets that can be done after program load and verification. -u [ --run ] Run the target at the end of the flash load/operation. -r [ --reset ] arg Set reset operation to be done after program load and verification. -O [ --post-flash-device-cmd ] arg Execute the given device command. Get a list of device commands by using --list-device-cmds. -t [ --timeout ] arg Timeout in seconds, infinite if unspecified. -g [ --log ] arg Enable detailed logging to the specified file. -e [ --verbose ] Outputs progress messages to the console. -h [ --help ] Print this message.
could someone tell me how to select "--mode noConnectFlash".... i keep reading about this in other posts (as well as some online BLE docs)....
The latest Uniflash (8.7) should have this supported:
dslite --mode noConnectFlash -c target_configuration_file out_file