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Can't receive HRM information using CC2570 in asynchronous serial interface

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2570

Hello everybody
I am developing an ANT+ HRM receiver using CC2570 chip from TI working in asynchronous serial interface.
To make de PCB, I followed SWRS095A datasheet (page 13):

Using values described in reference design:

Now I am using a serial RS232 interface connected to a PC to debug all the communication and everything seems to work ok.
I have a Garmin Premium Heart Rate Monitor (Soft Strap).

First of all I tested all the communication with Garmin ANT USB Stick and ANTware II software. After that, I am trying to send all necessary messages to configure CC2570 as the same way that I used in ANTWare II.

When I switch on the power supply, I receive the following message:

RX: a4 01 6f 00 ca (startup)

Then I send all these information:

TX: a4 03 42 00 00 00 e5
RX: a4 03 40 00 42 00 a5

Option 1 (trans type 0x00)
TX: A4 05 51 00 00 00 78 00 88
RX: a4 03 40 00 51 00 b6

Option 2 (trans type 0x01)
Tx: A4 05 51 00 00 00 78 01 89
Rx: a4 03 40 00 51 00 b6

Option 3 (trans type 0x01, dev number 0x267, 615 in decimal)
Tx: a4 05 51 00 67 02 78 01 ec
Rx: a4 03 40 00 51 00 b6

TX: a4 09 46 00 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
RX: a4 03 40 00 46 00 a1

4 - CHANNEL PERIOD (0x1f86, 8070 in decimal)
TX: a4 03 43 00 86 1f 7d 
RX: a4 03 40 00 43 00 a4

5 - CHANNEL RF FREQUENCY (0x39, 57 in decimal)
TX: a4 02 45 00 39 da
RX: a4 03 40 00 45 00 a2

TX: a4 01 4b 00 ee
RX: a4 03 40 00 4b 00 ac

After some seconds…
RX: a4 03 40 00 01 01 e7 a4 03 40 00 01 07 e1 (timeout and close channel)

Before testing hardware I would like if than I am doing is ok. I tried to repeat all 6 steps for every option (step 2), but I always have the timeout.

I tried to change TX power to min or max value without other result:

TX: a4 02 60 00 04 c2
RX: a4 03 40 00 60 00 87

Tx: a4 02 60 00 00 c6
Rx: a4 03 40 00 60 00 87

Furthermore I tried to reset the chip, change the search timeout and ask for device parameters:
Tx: a4 02 4d 00 51 ba
Rx (from option 3, step 2): a4 05 51 00 67 02 78 01 ec

It seems that I can “talk” correctly to the chip but I can't receive any information from de HRM Strap) and I tried several times with ANTWare II and works OK.

Am I doing it correctly? Any suggestion will be appreciated
Thank you so much.

  • Hello,

    It looks as though your channel is being set up correctly to receive from an ANT+ HRM. Option 1 should be sufficient for you to receive data from any HRM in the area. Also, setting the transmission power for a receiving device will not really do anything, it is used for transmitting devices. Just to confirm, you say that you can receive okay from the HRM from ANTware II?


  • Hello Kassandra, thank you for the reply

    Yes I can, first of all I tested all the configurations  using Garmin ANT+ USB stick, ANTWare II software and Garmin Premium Heart Rate Monitor (Soft Strap), and I saw all page formats, decoded my heart rate information, etc.

    After that, I made a PCB using CC2570RHAT chip but it always sends me a timeout and close channel commands. I tried to resolder de chip, change it to another cc2570 without solution.

    I have read all these information:


    -           ANT+ Device Profile HEART RATE MONITOR.

    -           ANT Message Protocol and Usage

    -          ANTware II User’s Guide

    -           Interfacing with ANT General Purpose Chipsets and Modules

    -          SWRS095A (cc257x datasheet)

    -          CC257X EM Discrete Reference Design

    But I can’t find any solution.

    Any ideas? Thank you so much.

  • Hello,

    Since it appears as though the serial communication is working correctly, it might be time for you to look at your hardware. One thing I can suggest is to configure your hardware to be a simple broadcasting master device and use ANTware II to try and receive messages from it. This would allow you to run your hardware without the timeout problem. If you have a bad antenna, or a crystal out of tolerance you might not be able to pair with it on ANTware II or you might get many Rx Fail messages.

    Keep me posted on your progress,


  • Hello again, while I am doing your suggestion, I attached all the components references involved in Rx/Tx and oscillators:

    -          Antenna (YAGEO (PHYCOMP), ref: CAN4311153002451K):

    -          Xtal1 (RALTRON, ref: R26-32.768- 12.5):

    -          Xtal2 (Multicomp, ref: HC49U-32-20-30-60-00-AT3):

    -          12 and 18 pF ceramic capacitors C0G / NP0, ± 5%

    -          1 pF ceramic capacitors C0G / NP0, ± 0.25%

    -          Inductor 1 nH

    -          Inductor 2 nH, ± 0.2%, 0.08 ohm, 700 mA, resonant freq 6.9 GHz (ref: 744761020A)

    -          Inductor 1 nH, ± 0.3%, 0.1 ohm, 500 mA, resonant freq 6 GHz (ref: MCFT000037)

    -          Inductor 3.3 nH, ± 0.3%, 0.13 ohm, 300 mA, resonant freq 6 GHz (ref: HK21253N3S-T)

    I chose them looking for similiar characteristics basing CC257X EM Discrete Reference Design excel document.


    I am going to test your suggestion, thank you so much.