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Cannot program with CC debugger on chip CC2540

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2540


I'm trying to program the chip CC250, using the mini development Kit .

I started with the Flash programmer selecting the flash image that is in the directory C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.2.1\Accessories\HexFiles\CC2540MiniDkDemoSlave.hex. Then, I selected 'Erase, program and verify'  But it doesn't work. An error is shown  after 'Perform action'

CC2540 - ID4869: HEX file content at address 0x1CC7A exceeds chip's 16 kB flash size.

I've tried with the other hex files that I found in the same directory.

Thank you in advance for your help


  • Hello Grace,

    I checked this myself and did not recieve this error. Can you verify your settings? I have attached a screenshot of my Flash Programmer window below.


  • Hi,

    if you get something like this...

    ...your target might be not powered when you try to flash, this way I can recreate the error.



  • This error message typically occurs if the SmartRF Flash Programmer is not receiving the expected response from the device.

    Normal causes for this are:

    • Device is not powered (make sure to scratch off any solder paste residue on the  keyfob battery holder). 
    • Connection issue with either Debug Clock (DC), Debug Data (DD) or reset line (RESET_N)


  • Hello everyone,

    Thank you for your help. I've already resolved the problem. Exactly as you mentioned the issue was that the keyfog wasn't doing powered although in the cc debugger always showed the green led! I just cleaned the negative terminals of the battery with a fine sandpaper and that was all. :)
