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CC2541 UART without HW flow control

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2541, TIR1000, CC2543


I want to use the UART in CC2541 to connect to another TI  chip (TIR1000) without flow control. I have a couple of questions:

1. Is it possible to use the UART in CC2541 without HW flow control?
2. Assuming Yes to 1) Can I use the RTS/CTS pins of the UART as GPIO's?


  • Hello Yohannes,

    Yes it is possible to use the UART without flow control.  With flow control disabled, you can control the RTS/CTS pins.

    You will want to use UART 0 for this.  From what I remember, the other UART is unavailable.  There is an excellent example found in the CC2543/4/5 swrc257 file that show you how to use the UART in all three modes (poll, ISR and DMA).  DMA mode works well with BLE as the files have define statements for the CC2541
