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CC2540TPS62730EM-RD: TPS62733DRYR

Part Number: CC2540TPS62730EM-RD
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2540, TPS62733


Actually, I am using a Li-ion battery of 4.2V as source for TPS62733 LDO with CC2540.

So LDO has 2 modes 

1) It gives 2.3V as output

2) It gives Vin as output

So what will happen if 4.2V goes to the supply pin of CC2540 at that mode of the LDO?

Will that permanently damages the CC2540?

  • 4.2 V is exceed the maximum rating of the CC2540 meaning that the state of the chip is not known if 4.2 V is applied. Note that that exceeding the max rating could cause damage that is not visible there and then but could cause failure in the future.