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MSP430 + CC2560 accelerometer demo on an android, then sending data over wifi

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2560, MSP430F5438

I'm currently experimenting all sorts of things with the accelerometer demo (key event gen.) with my android phone.


Up to now, I'm able to display the key event generator results on my android phone via connecting to CC2560 and receive the accelerometer's 2 axis values.


Now, I wanted to extend this and send these data over the wifi and display the same data on a server. So, I implemented a java tcp/ip socket server and have managed to successfully receive and display the data.

(the configuration is like :   CC2560 --> Android --> Server.


Sending data from CC2560 -> Android is of course bluetooth, then Android -> Server is wifi.


However, I"m experiencing slow performance. The application on my phone and receiving the data over the wifi on the server side has delays (a lot).


The app. on the android always asks me to 'force close' or 'wait'. However, there is no data loss. I've checked it by printing a counter variable on the server side.


I'm curious whether using both Bluetooth and Wifi protocols at one application could slow down the entire process or not.

Since, they both use the same frequency (2.4ghz), i'm guessing this might be a problem. Or, could my phone is not good enough to handle two protocols well?

My phone is a Nexus S. 


Could they be a down-performance if I do a simultaneous wifi-bluetooth connection on one app using CC2560+MSP430's accelerometer demo?? thanks