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Linux/CC2650STK: Finding examples on howto: wake on motion (WOM) -> collect gyroscope information on a Raspberry PI

Part Number: CC2650STK

Tool/software: Linux

Hi all,

for a start, I'm not a deep dive developer, but I can adjust examples and follow HowTos! ;)

But then, here's what I got:

  • (multiple) CC2650STKs
  • Raspberry PI 3B+

What I'd like to achieve is something like:

  1. CC2650STK Wakes on Motion (WOM)
  2. (preferably python-)script collects gyroscope data (I'm interested in degrees - as the sensortag is placed on a moving shutter)
  3. if movement stops, the sensortag can go to sleep again 
  4. repeat with 1. with a new movement

So, until now I read many things and (as I'm not a hard core developer nor am I an expert in electronics) I am confused on many aspects.

ad 1) How can I handle this wake on motion thing? Do I need some special hardware like the debug dev-pack or something?

ad 2) I installed bluepy, but this seems to be a very complex framework, I lack some examples on how to use it within a python script.

ad 3) I guess, if WOM is activated - it surely lets the sensortag sleep again? But I don't have to physically activate it again, I hope? Because the sensortags should monitor the movement of my shutters and if they are not horizontal anymore should stop the motor. 

thanks for any help!
