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CC256XB-BT-SP: CC256X Bluetooth tools

Part Number: CC256XB-BT-SP


I am using bluetooth chip CC256X, how do I convert Service Pack (SP) BTS (i.e. "*.bts") files to a C header file ("*.h") format, because the Bluetooth Hardware Evaluation Tool (BHET) is no longer support? 

Thanks for your support!

  • Hien,

    You can use the HCITester and BTSTransform applications from the WILINK-BT_WIFI-WIRELESS_TOOLS package.

    (i) HCITester to edit and save the service-pack (*.bts).

    (ii) BTSTransform can be used to convert the *.bts file in a C array (of the *.h) format.

    If you are using the service-pack with the TI dual-mode Bluetooth stack for the MSP432 or STM32, you can use the attached CC256XB.h file that I have already converted from the latest CC256XB-BT-SP.


    Best regards,


  • Hi Vihang,
    I received your reply, I will try with the tools you suggested and feedback result to you.

  • Hi Vihang,

    Thanks for your support. I could use HCITester and BTSTransform tools for convert BTS files.

    I see package CC256XB_BT_SP contains initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_avpr_add-on.bts and initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_bt_spec_4.1.bts files, how can i use both spec and add-on? Have you any guide to use files in Bluetooth Service Pack.

    Thanks and Regards,

  • Hien,

    One of the add-ons can be loaded to the Bluetooth controller after downloading the main (spec) service-pack. The add-ons enable the following feature.

    • initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_avpr_add-on.bts - This add-on should be loaded to the CC256XB controller after the main service-pack when using A3DP or WBS features. More details on the A3DP and WBS can be found in the device datasheet.
    • initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_bt_spec_4.1.bts - This add-on should be loaded to the CC2564B controller after the main service-pack when using BLE (classic BT and BLE dual-mode operation).

    As you may notice from the device datasheet, either one of the A3DP/WBS or BLE features can be used at a time. This means that only one of the add-ons can be loaded to the controller (after the main service-pack) at a time. 

    Best regards,


  • Hi Vihang,
    Thanks for your support!

    I have a other question about .bts files. The .bts file contains command as below, but I don't know how do use these command and why we write that data to block?
    Could you please provide guide to modify data in .bts file?

    Send_HCI_VS_Write_Memory_Block 0xFF05, 0x00086140, 0xfa, "07:10:47:23:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:FF:B5:00:90:47:68:FF:20:26:30:C0:5D:00:28:26:D0:01:38:1D:D0:01:38:2A:D1:FF:24:95:34:E5:19:29:88:08:20:01:26:B6:46:37:4A:FE:44:10:47:00:29:01:D1:02:20:07:E0:E5:19:29:88:08:20:B6:46:31:4A:FE:44:10:47:48:1C:E9:88:0C:1C:44:43:60:2C:0F:D9:0F:E0:FF:20:99:30:C0:5B:5E:28:09:DB:C4:1C:08:E0:FF:20:ED:30:C4:5B:10:2C:02:DD:06:20:44:43:00:E0:60:24:41:20:00:21:01:22:96:46:1C:4A:FE:44:10:47:01:90:61:08:40:18:01:30:80:01:80:09:02:90:18:4D:00:26:A8:7B:00:28:1F:D0:28:7C:39:78:81:42:1B:D1:15:48:00:2E:00:D0:14:30:00:68:80:06:80:0E:01:99:08:18:80:01:80:09:02:99:01:22:96:46:0F:4A:FE:44:10:47:29:7B:03:91:01:22:96:46:0C:4A:FE:44:10:47:02:28:01:DA"
    Wait_HCI_Command_Complete_VS_Write_Memory_Block_Event 5000, 0x00, 0xff05, 0x00
