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CC2640: GPIO power consumption

Part Number: CC2640

Hi BLE team.

The sensor controller is used to do ADC, so all the pins are set as analog pins (DIO23 - 30).

If not all ADC inputs are used some of them are set as digital input:

  scifUninitIo(AUXIO_A_AIN6, 0);

  GPIO_setConfig(BLE_DIO24, BoardGpioInitTable[BLE_DIO24]);


BoardGpioInitTable[BLE_DIO24] =     

KEY3                    | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_DIS  | PIN_INPUT_EN | PIN_PULLDOWN,                                               /* DIO24 KEY3 is active high */

It works but the power consumption of these pins twice as high as the "normal" DIO's with the same konfiguration.

Why is that?

Its also a problem reading status of the pins.


Anders Lange