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CC2540: CC2540

Part Number: CC2540
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640

Hi, I use the same transmit Tag but use the CC2540 and cell phone as different receiver, I find the performance of cell phone is better than CC2540 receiver.

The distance in outdoor open site, CC2540 receiver is about 5 meters, but the cell phone is over 50 meters, do you know which issue with it?

  • Hi,

    I'm not exactly clear on what your question is. Can you expand on what you're trying to do? For instance, are you connected? Are you just scanning for an advertiser? It could be the phone has a higher receive sensitivity than the CC2540.

  • Hi, I just scan for an advertiser and no connect. I know it's maybe the phone has higher receive sensitivity than CC2540. But is it possible to improve?

    Because the outdoor scan distance is too short to use.


  • Ryan,

    What is your scan interval and window on the CC2540? What's your scan duration? These will all impact the performance of how quickly/if at all you will see the advertiser. 

    What is the advertising interval of the tag?

    Receiver sensitivity is a function of the radio on the SoC. You can move to another generation device like the CC2640 and CC2642 which feature higher receieve sensitiities. However, i think it's important to explore your test setup and scan parameters first.