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CC2541: Battery Profile Qualification

Part Number: CC2541


I use the Battery Service from the sdk

1. If I remove the "HID Report Reference characteristic descriptor" and the "Characteristic Presentation format" descriptor, can I still refer to the D043836  127436 - Profile Subsystem listing from TI?

2. What am I allowed to change without loosing the ability to use the listing? 

  • Hi,

    [EDIT] This answer is valid only for listing not incorporating any deprecated profile.

    You should be able to use the same listing for any subset of the profile subsystems listed.

    Please make sure to leverage the advice of your Bluetooth Qualification Consultant (BQC) and to review

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Do I understand you right? If I remove for example the "HID Report Reference characteristic descriptor" from the Battery Service of the profile subsystem, this would be still a subset of the profile subsystems listed?

  • Hi,

    To me it does not sound ok to remove some characteristics from a profile - because the other devices may rely on this characteristic when using the profile.

    Here I strongly recommend to consult your BQC - he/she will be the best person to provide the answer.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Hi,

    I just removed descriptor values from the battery level characteristic. According to the Battery Service Spec they are not mandatory.

    Maybe to make it more clear. If I use the DIS with a subset of the TI implemented, optional characteristics. This would still be a valid DIS.

    So my question is, what exactly does the TI listings cover? Could I for example remove an optional characteristic from the DIS and still use the listing?

    Thanks in advance

    I will also try to clarify it with a BQC. But I`m sure this is what all the TI customers do. They take for example the DIS and remove the chars they don't need.

  • Hi Matthias,

    I wanted to consult with our internal expert before giving you a final answer. It will take a couple of days to get his answer.

    Please bear with me.


  • Hi Matthias,

    Thank you for your patience. I had to contact the Bluetooth SIG to get all the details needed.

    Normally you are allowed to remove an optional characteristic from a qualified design and still use the QDID. However, since this listing incorporates a profile version which is deprecated (Proximity Profile), it is not possible to create a subset.

    It means you'll have to certify the profiles yourself.

    I have two good news for you:

    • you can use the QDID to prepare your ICS - this will save you some time
    • the tests are passing - so you should not be worry for this

    I understand that this answer is probably not the one you expected. Please be sure we are working to improve this.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Clement,

    thank you very much for this information. This is exactly what I wanted to know.

    Best regards,