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LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1: How to transmit ADC data wirelessly for SAR data processing

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DCA1000EVM, TIDA-010022, IWR6843, IWR6843ISK, MMWAVEICBOOST


1)I am working on TIDA-010022 design guide and successfully implemented people counting demo and I am using CC1352R1 launchpads for data transmission at sub-1GHz frequencies and using teraterm I am able to visualize no of targets and frame numbers only, now my question is, is there any way to transmit ADC data wirelessly for SAR data processing ( I came to know that to capture the raw ADC data we can use DCA1000EVM but it will give .bin type of files and we don't know how to work with them and also we don't know how to transmit those bin files wirelessly)

2) If wireless transmission of raw ADC data is not possible, can you suggest any other way to implement SAR data processing internally in the IWR6843 EVM (IWR6843ISK+MMWAVEICBOOST) itself??( I mean is there any firmware for IWR6843 EVM for SAR data processing so that we can directly flash it)

Actually I posted a thread earlier but didn't get any reply from your side that's why I am posting it once again with detailed description of the problem. The link to the earlier thread is below

With regards