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CC8530: CS_N pullup stops working

Part Number: CC8530
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC-DEBUGGER,


We have a product using CC8530 that has a push button that connects the CS_N pin to ground, used as a power on/off user control.  We have had quite a few units come back as RMAs where the failure cause has been identified as the CS_N internal pullup is no longer functioning.  In this failure mode the voltage on the pin is floating, no longer pulled up to the 3.3V MCU voltage supply.  Other aspects of the chip seem to be functioning correctly and the chip can still be programmed properly with a CC-DEBUGGER.

What could be causing these failures?  ESD seems plausible, but the board is fully encased in plastics.  Anything else we should look at?


  • Hi,

    Thank you for reaching out. I have assigned your inquiry to a relevant expert. Due to the holiday season, expect delays in responses. In the meantime, I have a few questions that may be helpful in resolving this issue as efficiently as possible. Approximately how long until this behavior arises? Are you able to provide a screenshot of the schematic showing how the CS_N pin is wired? If possible could you also provide the layout? 

    Best Regards,
