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LAUNCHXL-CC1350-4: SWO trace not enabling correctly

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1350-4


I am trying to follow this example on the LAUNCHXL-CC1350-4.

But when I go to start capture, it fails saying that it "Failed to set enable operation Failed to start SWO Trace." I see that the ITMENA bit is cleared. If I manually set that bit in the registers view, my DLA picks up what looks like Manchester encoded data with the correct baud rate (have tried max 24 MHz down to 500 KHz). The DLA's showing the data itself as junk, but I do see some patterns repeated and whatnot. I've checked the IOC is routing SWV to IOID_18 because that's what my DLA is hooked up to. I have the ccxml set for 2-pin cJTAG and Aux COM port is target UART port as requested by the yellow warning box. I tried also routing the SWV to IO 16 which is the TDO pin, in case the XDS110 was configured wrong, but that didn't change anything. When the debugger is going through the process, I see the DLA picking up what looks like UART signals, but they're of a very different baud rate than the Manchester ones and my DLA isn't able to decode them. Not sure what's going on there, the configuration registers didn't seem to change after the process. Only change is the disabling of the enable bit.

I am on the most recent version of CCS since I just downloaded it again today The webapps views don't work on my Ubuntu computer so I'm using a QEMU VM. It's a little slow, but it's been able to update the XDS110 firmware and do everything else without issue.

Thank you.