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CC8531: CC853x

Part Number: CC8531
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PUREPATH-WL-CFG, CC8530, CC2592, CC2590


Hi Team,

we are using the PUREPATH-WL-CFG tool to program the CC85XX_headset EVK,

The tool also configures the codec for predefined and the custom Codec using the Audio device Customization.

our requirement:

1. can we isolate the Codec configuration from CC853x device.

2. Use the any MCU like TIVA to configure the CODEC.

  • Hi Mallikarjuanreddy,

    The PurePath Configurator tool is only designed for CC85XX devices.  Please post a new question to the Audio Forum or re-write the question with the Codec or TIVA part number to have your configuration inquiries addressed, however you will not be able to use PurePath without the CC85XX.


  • Hi Ryan,

    Yes, Pure Path Configurator is used to program the CC85XX.

    My question is in Audio Interface tab here tool has few pre-defined CODEC options like AIC3204 and etc. 

    if we don't want the tool to configure the codec. what are the options to select or How we can stop the I2C interface from tool 

  • You can modify the relevant PurePath Wireless Configurator\audio_devices *.ppwadd file, enable "Custom setup" inside PUREPATH-WL-CFG, or physically disconnect the CC85XX and codec in the hardware.


  • Hi Ryan,

    we have physically disconnected the CC85XX and Codec in the hardware.

    After above changes, not able to pair master and slave device.

    also found below specification in the EHIF document it talks about the I2C bus error detection and system reset:

    Can you clarify on this.

  • If you disconnect the hardware then you'll want to complete the PurePath modifications I recommended, otherwise you will experience CC85XX device resets and thus pairing will not be possible.  You should monitor the I2C lines with a logic analyzer or oscilloscope to ensure that your changes are taking effect.


  • Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for the suggestion, let me try PuePath modification and monitor the I2C lines to ensure the same.

  • Hi Ryan,

    Apologies for the delay.

    From the PurePath Wireless Configurator\audio_devices *.ppwadd file,

    # <i2c_interface>
    # <clock_rate>400</clock_rate>
    # </i2c_interface> 

    Removed the interface 

    Also monitored the I2C line using logic analyzer no request for Codec is observed. and system reset is not happening.

    After above changes, not able to pair master and slave device

  • Thank you for checking.  You may have more success using USB host-operated mode.  Otherwise an external audio interface connection is assumed.  Here are images from the CC85xx Family User Guide:



  • Hi Ryan,

    From the CC85xx Family User’s Guide document in the

    section 1.3.3 Host-Controlled Operation.

    Also says about the controlling the Audio codec from the external MCU as shown the block diagram below.

    While selecting host-controlled option from the tool we are not able to isolate the I2C/codec option in the Pure path Tool.

    Can you suggest on this.

  • I apologize as "host" was not the correct term given that host-controlled operation still has the CC85XX control the audio codec.  The USB configuration, in which the CC85x1 acts on its own and is controlled by the USB host it is attached to, is what I meant to convey as the USB host controls the audio codec.

    USB configurations are an example of autonomous setups for which the Audio Interface section is removed since it is not controlled by the CC85XX device in PUREPATH-WL-CFG.


  • Hello Ryan, 

    I am from Mallikarjunas Team. 

    We are not planning to use the USB configuration, per the CC85xx user manual there is a host-controlled mode were the onboard host/MCU can configure and control the CC8530 device over the SPI interface and also in turn control the audio codec over the I2C interface. We need to know how (the process or methodology) with which we can configure CC8530 in the host-controlled mode, where the CC8530 device will be configured from the SPI interface.

    Request your kind support in getting this configuration done. 

    We would like to set up a call so that we can discuss & get the configuration done at the earliest. Kindly let us know on how we can set up the call.


    Best Regards,

  • Hi D4DJ,

    Thank you for further explaining your design requirements.  If you modify the PurePath Wireless Configurator\audio_devices\*.ppwadd file to remove the i2c_interface then IO mapping will no longer show the Audio device control (I2C) pin connections.  This is the closest IO mapping to what you are striving to achieve.


    Make sure you are setting Analog [Input/Output] -> Operation to "Host control" and Audio Interface -> Custom setup to "Enabled".  You may require additional changes to the *.ppwadd file to complete your expected configuration, and of course you will need to properly control the Audio Codec from the host to properly operate this setup.


  • Thanks for the update, Ryan,

    Looks like with the latest recommended configuration we are able to configure the CC8530 device in host-controlled mode with the I2C dependency resolved, we are checking this on a couple of more boards and will update you the final observations from our side. 

    Meanwhile other issue that we are facing is on the range, the range we are getting is around 5-6m. The range extender we are using is CC2592RGVT, do we have to make any additional configurations changes in the pure path configurator related to CC2592 to enhance the range. What could be the possible reasons for this low communication range?

    Do let us know your thoughts on this.


    Warm Regards,

  • Thanks for the update, glad to hear that you're making progress.  The CC85XX-HS reference design operates using the CC2590 by default.  It should be possible to use the CC2592 instead without requiring any further changes to the PPW-CFG settings.  As the CC2590 is not pin compatible with the CC2592 you will need to consider investigating your custom hardware design.  You can submit a review to SIMPLELINK-2-4GHZ-DESIGN-REVIEWS and also monitor your control logic pins with an oscilloscope or logic analyzer to further diagnose the issue.


  • Thanks for the feedback, Appreciate your support!

    The HW schematics was submitted and was reviewed by TI. 

    Currently the issue we have is with respect to the range, currently we are only getting a range of 15m indoors. For CC8530 5dBm is the max TX power we can set in the purepath configurator, Is it possible to set higher TX powers while configuring the CC8530 device? Also what would be the max input power for the CC2592 device?


  • The CC8530 has a maximum of +3.5 dBm output TX power and the CC2592 adds another +22 dBm, which will vary slightly based on your board design.  This setup should certainly exceed 15 meters and indicates and issue with the front end design.  Hopefully you submitted the board layout alongside the HW schematics and I recommend you create another thread which focuses on your hardware issues so that they may be addressed by HW experts.


  • Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for the response, we will open another ticket for the power related issue.

    As per the initial query on the device getting into reset if I2C is disabled from the PurePath Wireless Configurator\audio_devices\*.ppwadd file.

    Solution to this we found by selecting the DSP (generic audio device) in the audio interface TAB.