How is the payload data encoded when using SimpleLink with this Chip? We like to have a compatible FSK communication with other FSK chip sin the 2.4GHz band. When decoding with SX1280 or GNU Radio SDR it looks like there is an exchange of the nibbles inside each byte and a shift of the byte when the lowest bit is active. To me this looks like some data withening is active but disabled. Is there some special proprierary data handling in SimpleLink?
Hello Tobias,
I hope you are doing well. I am a tad confused on what you mean by "SimpleLink" here, do you mean you are running one of the SmartRF 8 example PHY's with the CC2340R5; or are you running the rfpacketTx or rfPacketRx example in the SDK on the CC2340R5?
Online we have some good information about using our radio (and it commands/scheduler) here: Radio Control Layer (RCL): Generic Tx Command Handler
Alex F