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I have a current product that has a central micro with up to 8 switches wired in used for timing. I would like to use a CC2543 on the master and one for each of the switches.
I was thinking of doing a ping from the master and then having the 8 sensors respond with an auto ACK that has the ID and switch state in it. Each switch would have its own time slot after the ping for its ACK based on the serial number of the switch using the PRF_RX_TX register. I would like to be able to have 1mSec data resolution for the switches and I'm trying to figure out if that is possible. I would be running 2Mbps.
I can tell the chip not to recal the synchronizer between receive messages to save time, but there is a receiver setup time called tRx shown in the user guide page 256. I looked in the data sheet and I'm not sure what time this refers to. Is this the RX/TX turnaround? But the datasheet has this listed with XOSC off, which would not be the case. If someone could give me a bit of direct for this timing it would help. Thanks.
Hello Brian,
Could you please elaborate what you mean by "1 mSec data resolution for the switches"?
Yes it means the RX/TX turnaround time. Just ignore the content of the test condition cell ("RCOSC, with 32MHz XOSC OFF"), It does not make sense as the 32 MHz XOSC must be on for the chip to be able to do RF operations at all. It will most likely be removed for the next revision of the DS and replace by "Proprietary auto mode". If you use basic-mode instead of auto-mode you can achieve turnaround time less than 100 us. In basic-mode you will have to implement the acknowledgement scheme yourself. I can give you more details after you answer my initial question at the top.
What I mean by 1mSec data resolution for the switches is that I would like to have a message sent from the switch every 1mSec. That would give the host micro an update every 1mSec of the switch state.
So I'm trying to do the math. Minimum packet size that I would like to use is 1B preamble, 2B Sync, 1B address, 9b header, 1B data, 1B CRC for a total of 52 Bits. At 2Mbps transmit rate that is 26uSec to transmit the message.
The following steps would take place:
The main controller switches to transmit and sensors switch to receive, 180uSec(from data sheet) to setup.
Transmit time of message, 26uSec.
Sensors receive message and switch to transmit mode for the auto ACK and main controller switches to receive, 130uSec(Tx-Rx time)
Sensor 1 sends message back, 26uSec
Time between receive message at main controller, 130uSec(Tx-Rx turnaround time)
Sensor 2 sends message back, 26uSec
Time between receive messages at main controller 130uSec(Tx-Rx turnaround time)
Similar thing happens for sensors 3-8, 26uSec x 6 + 130uSec x 5
Loop starts over.
This is a theoretical minimum with 0 excess time and would most likely not work in the real world, but this gives a total of 1454 uSec. The largest contributor to the loop is the 130uSec between receive messages on the main controller since it needs to receive 8 short messages per loop of the sensors. So it looks like the best I could realistically do would be a 2mSec resolution on the switches.
Could you please double check my understanding of the math and the timing?
Edit: After re-reading your post, you mentioned that the Auto mode is longer than the basic mode. I guess that implies that this time is for switching from transmit to receive. If I set the main controller to just receive messages, how much time must I leave between the messages for the receiver to become ready to receive again?
Hello Brian,
I would recommend a different packet format based on the following assumptions:
If you use a 1 Mbps link instead you can use 1 Byte preamble, but I still recommend using 3 bytes CRC.
You seem to understand correctly. But if you use the same frequency you can utilize the following feature documented in the user guide:
"If PRF_CHAN.SYNTH_ON is 1, the synthesizer is not turned off after the task ends. This can be used to
start a new task immediately on the same channel and get faster start of Rx or Tx. To do so, the next task
should be started with PRF_CHAN.FREQ set to 127. Note that the synthesizer should not be allowed to run
for a long time after a task has ended, as this causes excessive power consumption. The synthesizer can
be stopped by sending a CMD_SHUTDOWN command."
It could be a good idea to implement some sort of frequency hop between each event to increase robustness in the case of strong interference.
Does the 130uSec include the time to setup the synthesizer? What would the minimum time between receive messages be if I used the PRF_CHAN.SYNTH_ON = 1 setup?
Hello Brian,
In that case it would be closer just a few µSec if I am not mistaken. if you use the same frequency you can almost set it up back2back (set PRF_TASK_CONF.REPEAT=1;). Just add some µSeconds in guard time between the devices to avoid collisions. But remember that you need to re-calibrate if you change frequency or if there are rapid temperature changes.
If you do not enter power modes and leave the 32 MHz clock running you will have a pretty good reference source clock to use for timing this.
Ok, so if I revise my timing it would look like this.
Packet size: 4B preamble, 4B Sync, 1B address, 9b header, 1B data, 3B CRC for a total of 113 Bits. At 2Mbps transmit rate that is 56.5uSec to transmit the message.
The following steps would take place:
The main controller switches to transmit and sensors switch to receive, 180uSec(from data sheet) to fully setup.
Transmit time of message, 56.5uSec.
Sensors receive message and switch to transmit mode for the auto ACK and main controller switches to receive, 130uSec(Tx-Rx time)
Sensor 1 sends message back, 56.5uSec
Time between receive message at main controller with no re-init of synth, 20uSec
Sensor 2 sends message back, 56.5uSec
Time between receive messages at main controller with no re-init of synth, 20uSec
Similar thing happens for sensors 3-8, 56.5uSec x 6 + 20uSec x 5
Loop starts over.
So this would give me 958.5 uSec to get all the data from the 8 sensors. This would still get me the 1mSec resolution that I am looking for. I would be staying on the same frequency for this application. There will most likely be a few of these setup ups within range of each other so I would like to keep them at a constant and different frequency to avoid interference.
Hello Brian,
You are correct, but the turnaround time between TX and RX will be shorter. You can adjust it in in the registers PRF_TX_RX_TIME and PRF_RX_TX_TIME. Look at the functions used in the PER test available on web.