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I have been able to detect my target board CC2640 and connect to it from SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 using the XDS-110 Debugger as shown below in the past
However, today I have just updated my CCS6 with the latest update TI Emulator which has just recently been released. This update also caused my XDS110 firmware to be updated on first use. After the firmware update, I am able to connect to and debug my target board from CCS6 as per usual. However, when using the SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 application now, I am able to see the connected XDS110 debugger, but the target board CC2640 is no longer getting detected and showing up in the list. Does anyone know what might be wrong? Is an update to the SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 required to work again correctly with the latest TI Emulator update changes? I have just checked the TI website, there hasn't been any new updates to the SmartRF Flash Programmer 2 application. Please help.