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CC8521: CC8521 - will not pair

Part Number: CC8521
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC8520,

Hello all,

Have several CC8520 boards which all pair nicely with eachother in different master/slave configurations, autopairing etc.

however, as soon as I have CC8521 as master there is no pairing happening (of course have properly reconfigured the slaves which pair nicely with a CC8520 master).

The USB device is recognized by the host computer just fine, also the 'pairing' LED blinks, but in 'alone' pattern.

Building on this thread, and on the datasheet, must the CC8521 have the I2C lines connector (to what?) to pair?

Answering to Frederik K's question in beforementioned thread, "What happens if you just leave the I2C pins unconnected?": USB device recognized by host; LED blinking in alone pattern.

EDIT: looking at the USB headset reference design, I see for the USB dongle the I2C lines are connected to ground?...

  • Hi,
    Have you tested to wire the I2C to ground as the reference design?
  • Thanks Joakim!

    No, I have not. Reason being that the CC8520 boards work fine without that grounding, and also the CC85xx-CC25xx reference design does NOT have this grounding. I was thinking before I start hacking at my PCBs maybe somebody recognizes this as a known issue... Also was thinking about startup condition not satisfied, but would consider this is not be an issue considering the internal pull-up resistor on RSTN pin...?
  • Hi,
    Ok, maybe the I2C is irrelevant then.
    Have you made sure to select correct settings in the PPW configurator for the CC8521? I am no expert in the topic but I guess SW configuration might be the culprit here.
  • Hello Joakim,

    Thank you for your response, I will indeed verify everything from A to Z, including software config.

    Will surely post back here when I find the issue.

  • Hi Joakim, indeed after another round of close config inspection I found the culprit, being slave was set to pair on master pairing signal, but master was not configured as such.

    Working fine now, so this issue was not related to CC8520/1 difference and also not to I2C.

    This did get me thinking: considering the time I spent (and possibly also others) on diagnosing config errors in purepath wireless configurator: it is a bit of a missed opportunity that there is no consistency checker in configurator to catch things such as slave device configured to expect pairing signal from master, but master not configured as such...

    Anyhow, me happy!